If your computer doesn't support our email form:
Click on your city councillor's name and paste in the text below. Be sure to include your name and address!
Kathy Born KathyBorn@aol.com
Jim Braude jimbraude@mediaone.net
Henrietta Davis HenriDavis@aol.com
Marjorie Decker marjorie.decker@worldnet.att.net
Anthony Galluccio agalluccio@ci.cambridge.ma.us
David Maher dmaher@ci.cambridge.ma.us
Ken Reeves KER340@aol.com
Michael Sullivan cambmas1@aol.com
Tim Toomey timtoomey@aol.com
To My City Councillors,
I strongly urge you to vote in favor of the Citywide Rezoning Petition
This petition encourages needed housing, adjusts the amount of development allowed, establishes project review, and revises parking requirements to decrease traffic. We need to protect Cambridge by planning for our future.
Dozens of meetings have been held involving people from all over Cambridge. The Citywide Growth Management Advisory Committee has been meeting twice a month since 1998. And again this fall the goal setting meetings underlined how important these issues are for us in Cambridge.